In Use
Defense Health Agency (DHA) has a standardized Logistics Management platform that is used throughout DHA.  Plexus supports tracking DMLSS inventory in over 20 of the DHA's treatment facilities.  In addition to tracking the location and status of these healthcare inventories, Plexus is deployed throughout the U.S. Air Force Air Mobility Command's Patient Movement En-route Care network.   This represents over 50,000 items distributed across more than 90 locations.  
The following examples show the flexibility of integrating multiple RFID technologies in a single system.

Augmenting Enterprise Legacy Logistics Systems
The DMLSS platform is the master record of accountability throughout DHA. Plexus has a bi-directional interface with DMLSS that allows DMLSS to import the current location of assets being tracked by Plexus.
Handheld and mobile car scanning technologies are used to validate inventory with a handheld or mobile cart in local rooms and at remote sites using our mobile device. 

Entrance, Exits, and Intersections
Continuous tag reads at a choke point with directional capture are used to reduce the number of Unable-to -Locate items.

Open Warehouse Containers and Pallets
Storage containers that hold multiple items are labeled with an RFID tag that represents the collection of items inside. The space where the container is stored has been calibrated to represent that location (zone).  The zones are set up in the Plexus system and the system determines the location when scanned with a high-yield mobile RFID cart.  Users search and visualize the location of the containers on a web-based interface.

Open Space Production Workflow
Conexus has developed and holds a provisional patent for proprietary software that allows readers to be installed with overlap configured as a collaborative mesh network. Location zones are then defined and calibrated for signal signature. Tracking accuracy for zones; as small as 6 ft x 6 ft (e.g. desk or rack) allows logistics managers to know when an item entered a zone, how long it stayed, and when it leaves in real time. 

Enclosed High-Count Storage
RFID antennas installed above the shelving continuously activate RFID tags affixed to items stored on the shelves. Operators receive continuous, real-time confirmation of the inventory.

Network & Server Hardware
Network Administrators identify server hardware components and add these items to the tracking database. A passive RFID tag is affixed to each server item in the rack and the rack is identified as a unique zone. A count of the inventory is taken using a handheld RFID reader.